Duck not eating


May 11, 2019
So I have 2 crested pekin ducks and they're both indoor ducks. Both have them have been acting perfectly fine except one suddenly stopped eating anything. He still drinks a lot of water and acts normally, wandering around the house, preening himself, etc (although he hasn't been quacking as much as he usually does). His poop is also looking normal, besides being very little and watery (again, most likely because he hasn't eaten anything). He normally eats the Mazuri waterfowl maintenance food, but refuses to eat it, just drinking the water it's in. We've tried offering him treats as mealworms and feeder fish, but he just ignores it all. We took him to a vet and they ran a physical on him, but according to the vet he's physically healthy with no issues. He even had bloodwork done with no issues (minus low blood sugar, which is to be expected since he hasn't eaten anything). They sent out tests to check on any internal infections, but haven't heard back yet and mainly got some powder to mix with water to syringe feed him just to try and make sure he's getting some proteins and vitamins in him. This has been going on for about five days now and we have no idea what's going on and he hasn't shown any other change in behavior besides refusing to eat. Does anyone have any idea what else might be going on and bothering him? We're completely out of ideas and have no idea why he refuses to eat anymore.
I'm sorry to hear your duck isn't eating. Since it's been close to a week I'd talk to the vet about tube feeding him. will give you info on tube feeding plus other info.
I wouldn't wait much longer to tube feed.
Did the vet mention anything about metal poisoning? Could he have picked something up off the floor that was accidentally dropped? I think blood work will pick it up. X-rays would possibly show something up too.

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