EE Hen 3 years old next month... not active like the others but.....

Melon is a good thing to give to get more fluids into them. Maybe she was dehydrated? Make sure that the others are nit keeping her from eating or drinking. Cockerels or roosters can do that as well as higher pecking order hens. Hopefully she is still the head hen.

Dunno for sure... figure I'll have a better idea tomorrow... Hopefully still looking promising. She is pretty much at the top... there is one hen Millie who seems to be a slight notch above her, but for the most part Lucia seems to be able to get to the food and water AND she was moving around a LOT more than she had been.
Hi, just wondering how she is now? I have a 3 year old hen with the same exact behavior. I was going to make a vet appt but I haven’t found an avian vet I love.

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