Empty Crop,


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2023
My once sweet and docile 5 month old Black Australorp hen is now a ranging B!@#$%. My sweet girl has been acting so strange. I noticed she is constantly making noise. Not a pleasant chicken noise but a reputative chirp I guess is the right word? She also has lost interested in food, but she still eats if that make sense. For example when I bring out the tray of greens and treats she eats sparingly where as before she went to town with the others. When a would break out the black soldier fly larvae she would gobble them up now she just stairs at them and walks away. At night when she goes to bed I was able to give her a message and pet her. Now she aggressively pecks my hands and the other girls There are 3 other hens in her coop all the same age. I've noticed her crop is empty at night where the other girls have a nice full crops. This AM I notice so many feathers in the sleeping area. While I was sitting with the girls at treat time I noticed her feathers fall off of her, She has no bald areas? I don't believe she is laying either. I can tell she is lighter as well, but still has a healthy look to her. She is active and takes in some food and fluids. All the poop in the coop and run look normal. I have 4 watering stations and 5 areas to take in crumble and peck and scratch layer feed. Up until about two weeks ago I was fermenting food, but stop due the fact I felt as if I was throwing most of it way at the end of the day. I put ACV in their water and change it every other day. She has a nice large coop and has ample room in the run. When I get home from work they have access to the entire yard until they go to bed. Any ideas?
Ok feather loss sounds like molting, and with it being fall that sounds about the correct time for them dropping their feathers in order to grow more. Supply some plain water as well as water with acv mixed in, they need the option for both. What type of feed are you feeding them? What breed is this bird? Can you post pictures? Some hens take on a “dominant” position similar to a rooster where they get protective. If she is a threat to you, your flock, or your children, that can be very concerning. Is she sitting on a nest constantly? As said above its possible for broodiness, but not sure on this one.

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