Extra Roo


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2019
I have a 10 week old Mille Fleur Roo I cannot seem to find a home for. At the moment he is in my grow out pen with a variety of other breeds. He was hatched by a broody Buff Orpington. I usually move them to the big pen around 12 weeks but I have 2 full grown Roosters in there. I do have a pair of frizzles hen and roo pretty really docile can he be put with them? I just don’t know what to do with this sweetheart of a roo😞
He shouldn't be a problem with any at this age. I'd go ahead and put him where you want him and wait and see how he gets along as he matures.
My aunt has a standard roo and and bantam roo in a small run with 3 hens and they get along fine. It just depends on the birds and their personalities. I have a 16 week old Cochin bantam roo that I'm hoping will get along with my big red rooster.
Good luck

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