Feeding questions for F.R.


Mar 27, 2020
Western Oregon
Our 25 Freedom Rangers will arrive in two weeks!

Question about feeding. We have a non-GMO, soy free food in Chick Starter. I believe it's 20% protein. Can I just feed that the whole time?

What about feeding frequency? I've seen to give them feed twice a day, or 12 hours on/12 hours off. Which is best? They have access to pasture.

What's a reasonable amount of food to plan on going through? We have a straight run if it matters.

Thanks for all the help!
Thanks for checking in! The boys and girls are 3 weeks old. They're feathering out nicely. Tonight is the last cold night, so they're going to be moving outside soon.

I feel like they're on the small seed, but our food is soy free so I'm sure that it is a factor. They also seem to be wasting quite a bit of food and/or covering it in pine shavings. I'll need to figure out how to avoid that for next time. 24 birds (we lost two) in one brooder creates a lot of chaos!

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