fertile eggs


6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
so i have 9 standars size hens and a new Mille Fleur Duccle bantams one roo and 2 hens.
so will all my eggs be fertile or is the bantam roo not large enough to make fertile eggs from my standard size chickens.

i have a french black orphington
4 red sexlinks
1 gold lace
and 3 black sex likns

4 silkies

and new Mille Fleur Duccle bantams and roo

and when are roos loudest or are they just loud when they feal like it lol
Your roo will be loud when ever he feels like it... which most likely will be often! Your eggs will all be fertile if he is able to figure out how to "hit the target". Some bantams do, some don't. When I was a kid, I had a bantam who had absolutely no problem siring chicks with the large fowl biddies. He thought he was God's gift to the chicken world.
i have heared that this type of roo isnt as loud as some others is this thro? i have had him for like 7 hours now and not one crow that i heared? is it becouse he is new?

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