First egg to hatch EVER!!!!!! P.S. I need advice:-)


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I woke up this morning to a beautiful little silkie chick newly hatched out of our homemade incubator. It is the first one we have ever hatched out and I am fit to beat the band?!?!?!?!??!
I am going to post a pic just as soon as I remember how to, I will edit in a second.
My question is: while waiting for her 6 bros and sis' do I leave her in there? I believe I have read that I shoul dleave her alone for aday before putting her in her new home so thta she can absorb all of the nutrients from her yolk. I ma just afraid that I will leave her in too long, or that she will run out of air, or that she will get too hot?!??!?!?!?!? I am just a nervous new mommie with a beautiful little baby!!!!!!!
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Also the temp has shot up since cutie was born. Is that normal? Should I leave it alone so thta the other eggs can hatch or will it be ok if I turn it down?
THank you so much!
You can turn the temp down a bit...very small adjustment tho. Keep a close eye that it doesn't go too low. You don't want it below 98 for the others. How is your chick doing? I would leave her in there to give the others encouragement. Did you candle to make sure they were all growing? Congrats!

I candled them last week for the last time and 5 were good. I did have two clear eggs but I just couldn't pull them out just in case I am an idiot and candled them wrong. I would hate to accidentally kill the babies:-( I should have at least 5 hatch if all went well though and I can't wait. They are a mix of silkies, frizzles, and sizzles. This one is all silkie though:) SOOOOO CUUUTE!!!!!!
I am going to turn the temp down and watch it. I am just REALLY nervous b/c I have to leave in a little while to visit my Grandma in the hospital so Ican't cancel:-(
I will keep you all posted though and add pics as they come!
The chick can be moved to a heated brooder after it has found its legs and can walk about. It is necessary for the chick to start eating as soon as they hit the brooder so they can add to their yolk sac. Their nutrition needs jump after hatching. So if your chick is peeping really loud its probably time to see it get a drink and food, to get the stomach working.

Hope the others hatch good for you.

I just had 2 chicks hatch and I left them in incubator for 24 hours & until they were completely dry. I then placed them in my brooder dipped each ones beak in the water and sprinkled some food on the paper towels they picked at it. But they are fine for the first couple days they have their yolk sack. The ones you order by mail don't eat for a couple days and they do fine. Just make sure they have some on the paper towels and tap it to let them see it there for them. Mine were eating from the feeder this morning when I checked them. Congrats on you new babies.
THanks so much for all of the advise. I feel a sthough I need it. Is it normal for them to take awhile between hatching? I don't any of the others hatching yet????

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