Fox attack, missing chickens

They are locked in an amish built solid coop through the night. During the day they are allowed into a fully fenced and attached run. Two years and not a single loss. Then twice a day under human supervision they get an hour free range in the fenced in yard. The fox wedged himself through the door probably prying it hard at the bottom. Most I could pry it was about 4 inches so no clue how he got in and pulled the chicken out with no blood or fur left behind?? Still would love anyone's thoughts on how I could follow his trail to the den and find only one single chicken feather the whole way? He doesn't have to worry about coming back. Crack of dawn Grayson will be waiting at the den for him/her to wake up to death by weim. Once I find out the legality i'll maybe post some pics of our revenge.
Thanks for the condolences kids not having a good fathers day. I have a clasp that was locked in the middle of the door, but I will tomorrow be putting one also at the bottom. Ring camera coming tomorrow too so i'll get a cellphone alert when anything comes close including my dogs unfortunately. Had all 3 dogs at the lake this afternoon for 2 hours only and he must have been watching from the brush.
@cmom had a problem with a predator coming under a run gate, and she added a concrete sill there to fix that weak spot. Four inches is way too big a space! You've been lucky so far, until now.
"Predator proof' is no opening larger than 1/2" diameter.
They are locked in an amish built solid coop through the night. During the day they are allowed into a fully fenced and attached run. Two years and not a single loss. Then twice a day under human supervision they get an hour free range in the fenced in yard. The fox wedged himself through the door probably prying it hard at the bottom. Most I could pry it was about 4 inches so no clue how he got in and pulled the chicken out with no blood or fur left behind?? Still would love anyone's thoughts on how I could follow his trail to the den and find only one single chicken feather the whole way? He doesn't have to worry about coming back. Crack of dawn Grayson will be waiting at the den for him/her to wake up to death by weim. Once I find out the legality i'll maybe post some pics of our revenge.
The female stays with the cubs the male lives in another den and never enters theirs.

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