Gender of 10+ week old Dark Brahma and Australorp


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
BC, Canada
I have a suspicion our Dark Brahma might be a cockerel. "He" is 10 weeks old and doesn't have laced feathers that seem to be attributed to hens. From what I've read the Brahma's mature quite slow and its only been 10 weeks so its probably not weird that he hasn't crowed yet. His body shape just looks so much different from our Buff Brahmas. He has more prominent saddle feathers too, as you can see in the picture. "Ducky" is our favourite chicken, he has the nicest demeanor. Very calm and gentle but confident. Our Australorp is probably our second favourite (also due to his very nice demeanor) and I think "Blacky" is a pullet, but I really don't know. I don't have any other Australorps so I can't compare him/her to anything.

We are planning on keeping one rooster. We got 8 unsexed chicks about 10 weeks ago and we have already had two confirmed roosters: a Danish Brown Leghorn that was mean to the whole flock and they were all afraid of him, so he was given away. We still have the other confirmed Rooster, an Ameraucana "Browny". Unrelated, as soon as we gave away "Stripey", which was the bad rooster, the whole flock seemed happier and more confident because they didnt' have to hide from him. I'm really happy about that.

Any help, even if its just a hunch would be very appreciated. We're just trying to plan around keeping one Rooster, and we'd like to keep the nicest, calmest one. It's a shame, because the Danish Leghorn was a really handsome bird. I think it will turn out though, he went to an established flock and it sounds like he's low on the pecking order there because he isn't full grown yet.


The Brahma is definitely a rooster. I'm not sure about the Australorp, since the comb/wattles is roosterish, but the feathering is pullety.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll try to get some better pictures of the Australorp too. They aren't the greatest profiles.

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