gender sexing at birth with these combos


6 Years
Nov 4, 2017
Could someone with knowledge about these combos let me know if these are all combos for sexing at hatch? And any other combinations would be much appreciated. I have BCM, cuckoo marans, CLB, welsummers, lavender orpington, silver laced wyandotte and a bunch of EE/ OE mixes.

Cream Leg Bar roo. x Welsummer Hen
Non barred roo X barred hen
Green legged roo. x hen with yellow, white, pink legs (not green or slate)

If I’m not mistaken, the legbar roo with Welsummer hen should make a nice olive egger, but I’m not sure about a sexing quality.
And I’ve not heard of leg color creating a sexed cross.
I’d be interested to hear from someone more knowledgeable on this.
Could someone with knowledge about these combos let me know if these are all combos for sexing at hatch? And any other combinations would be much appreciated. I have BCM, cuckoo marans, CLB, welsummers, lavender orpington, silver laced wyandotte and a bunch of EE/ OE mixes.

Cream Leg Bar roo. x Welsummer Hen
Non barred roo X barred hen
Green legged roo. x hen with yellow, white, pink legs (not green or slate)

My Legbar/Welsummer crosses appear to be sexable, similar to pure Legbar or Welsummer. We'll see if it turns out as predicted, but here are the results of Legbar roo x Legbar/Wesummer hen at Day 1. Thinking the dark ones on the left are girls, the one in the middle definitely a boy and the lighter one on the right probably a boy.
My Legbar/Welsummer crosses appear to be sexable, similar to pure Legbar or Welsummer. We'll see if it turns out as predicted, but here are the results of Legbar roo x Legbar/Wesummer hen at Day 1. Thinking the dark ones on the left are girls, the one in the middle definitely a boy and the lighter one on the right probably a boy.
View attachment 2438951
Which breed was the rooster and which breed were the hens?

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