Goofy crows


Oct 27, 2021
Eastern NC
So I've been hearing this goofy crow on occasion for a few weeks but was never able to record it or know who was even crowing until now. It's my BLRW, he just turned 21 weeks today too. I uploaded it to youtube: link. I also have a short recording of my soon to be 8yo starting to crow at 4 weeks: link

If anyone else has recordings then please share!
Aces's first crow:


This is long but Captain's first crow is right at the beginning:

And a crowing hen just for fun:
Oh man, Little Man Tate was hilarious. Like he was having a good start then second guessed himself. Never actually heard a hen crow but have seen people talk about it. Sounds like a cockerel
My hen has been crowing, or trying to, for a month or more. She is 3yrs old. I’ve had her since she was 6weeks old. Just recently she has been crowing in the mornings. Not every morning on occasion. It’s not exactly like the roosters, but it’s pretty close. Or to me anyway.
I’ve not been able to catch her on camera but I’ve seen her crow and it is Loud…lol
ive only got her and no others. She is a pet. A spoiled one at that.

just wondered if anyone else has hens that crow? Wish I had a way to record her. It’s the craziest thing ever. thanks
ibe_1chick Marilyn. 🐓😂❤️
This is Marilyn…. I love this girl. ❤️❤️❤️

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