Gurgling Hens


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2022
We are experiencing a bit of an issue in our coop. Not sure if it’s the wet weather we’ve had, new chicks being introduced (they were quarantined for a week with no issues), or something wild birds brought in.

One hen died pretty much out of no where. The next day I noticed a hen sounded like gurgling when breathing and would cough. I separated her and was able to get her in to the vet. They gave doxycycline. That kicked what ever it was. Now a week later another hen is showing the same symptoms. What can I do? Idk if I can afford $75+ a head for my whole flock to get checked out. The vet I deal with isn’t very knowledgeable about chickens and said she will not give meds for chickens she hasn’t seen.

Anything over the counter I can get to treat everyone without building resistance to antibiotics???

Also, anyone know a withdrawal period for eggs after doxycycline?
We are experiencing a bit of an issue in our coop. Not sure if it’s the wet weather we’ve had, new chicks being introduced (they were quarantined for a week with no issues), or something wild birds brought in.

One hen died pretty much out of no where. The next day I noticed a hen sounded like gurgling when breathing and would cough. I separated her and was able to get her in to the vet. They gave doxycycline. That kicked what ever it was. Now a week later another hen is showing the same symptoms. What can I do? Idk if I can afford $75+ a head for my whole flock to get checked out. The vet I deal with isn’t very knowledgeable about chickens and said she will not give meds for chickens she hasn’t seen.

Anything over the counter I can get to treat everyone without building resistance to antibiotics???

Also, anyone know a withdrawal period for eggs after doxycycline?
Hey hi
hope u are doing well
any sound that come from
throat or crop it’s a sign of respiratory infection progressive stage , when my rooster act like gargling i immediately take action
first of all if they act all active good not sick then u can try with this Natural Remedy

if its not hot take a small dice of fresh ginger 🫚 and take the juice out 1 teaspoon mix it with 1 drop of natural honey in a lukewarm water give this to your chickens who showing symptoms

i tried this in clicking and gargling sneezing symptoms for 3x days and everything cleared

but if things reached at sick symptoms and acting sick then u need Doxycycline 100mg & neomycin 50mg some countries have this combo come in a mix form other people use separately in tablet form 5 day course will help

if not doxycycline then Baytril 10% 25mg 2x day 5 days help fast but it’s way too strong med remove all gut bacteria so keep it handy with some Prebiotic and Probiotics powder after the course

u can human probiotics as well that not contains added sugar or flavours
Since the hen responded to doxycycline, it may be an MG infection. That is a chronic respiratory disease. Have you seen any bubbles or foam in one eye, or any swelling of the eyelids? I would prefer to use Tylosin to treat it since it doesn’t have a long egg withdrawal time. Here is where to find it and dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days:
Doxycycline is not approved for hens, but if using it, it can remain in the eggs for some time. I would wait for 3 weeks before using them.
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