Hasn't eaten in days, bright green and yellow poop


May 9, 2024
- Speckled Sussex, 2.5 years old, less than 5 lbs. She's always been petite but she seems to have lost weight

- She has been lethargic for about 4 days now. Every time I went out to the run, she was just sitting down by herself. She is usually my most spunky girl and the first one out of the door, but the last few days she wouldn't come out.

- A couple of my other girls have dirty butts. One that has never had a dirty butt so I think it may not be isolated to this one. I had to have one of my girls put to sleep 2 months ago for what the vet suspected was Mereks. All of my hens have been vaccinated as chicks so I didn't quite agree with that diagnosis. I think it was EYP because she had a very firm swollen belly and acted like she was egg bound.

- I noticed 9 days ago she was opening her mouth wide over and over again almost like she was gagging, but there were no other symptoms before she became extremely lethargic suddenly.

- She hasn't been eating or drinking anything. I feed my girls Organic DuMor 16% layer pellets with oyster shell and Poultry Booster mixed in. They had been receiving the same food but in crumble form until about a month ago when I had to get the pellets because TSC was out of the crumbles.

- Poop is bright green and mucousy with yellow sometimes. I have seen this in the nesting box she sleeps in for a couple weeks now.

- I have her inside in a dog crate with water. Yesterday I gave her 1 mL of NutriDrench via syringe since she isn't drinking or eating anything. I tried a mix of Flax meal, plain yogurt, buttermilk, Vitamin E oil, crushed up Vitamin B tablet, and crushed up layer feed with apple sauce but she wouldn't even look at it. Also tried mealworms which she never turns down and she also didn't even look at those.

- Ideally I would like to treat her myself if I can. I am fortunate enough to have a vet close by that sees chickens, but the 4 times I've taken a chicken to them, I don't get any information from them that I haven't been able to find online.

*IMAGES ARE NOT MINE* but are images I've found online that hers look like.

hredirect2 (1).jpg
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Welcome To BYC

Please post photos of your hen and her poop.

When was her last egg?

Check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight and look for any lice/mites.
If the crop is not emptying, then address that symptom according to the article below.

If she's not drinking, then she's likely dehydrated. Work on getting fluids into her, syringing or tubing if necessary. Once drinking, then see if she will eat some food.

If possible, get a fecal float to rule out worms as part of the problem.

If you do happen to lose her, send the body to your state lab for analysis, this will give you the best information.

Crop treatments:

List of state labs:
Welcome To BYC

Please post photos of your hen and her poop.

When was her last egg?

Check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight and look for any lice/mites.
If the crop is not emptying, then address that symptom according to the article below.

If she's not drinking, then she's likely dehydrated. Work on getting fluids into her, syringing or tubing if necessary. Once drinking, then see if she will eat some food.

If possible, get a fecal float to rule out worms as part of the problem.

If you do happen to lose her, send the body to your state lab for analysis, this will give you the best information.

Crop treatments:

List of state labs:
Thanks for replying. I don’t know the last time she laid an egg but I believe it’s been at least a year.
Her crop is emptying.
Her poop has turned to look almost like scrambled eggs ( picture attached).
I continued with the 1 mail of Nutridrench for a few days. She is back outside in the coop and is walking around but still not eating or drinking that I can tell. She is much happier with her sisters but I can’t keep as close an eye on her if she isn’t inside so I don’t know what to do.
I also noticed she has black gunk in her nostrils.


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Wipe her nostrils out if they have dirt in them.

The poop is not normal. Getting a fecal float would be a good idea.

If she's not laid eggs in over a year, then she may have a reproductive disorder which is causing a decline. Hard to know.
I have another hen showing similar symptoms. Her poop is a mustard yellow color, weight loss, and swollen squishy vent area. Could this be bacterial? The first hen seems to have improved and went back out to the coop with the others and I have the second hen inside now.

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