You can also try rubbing some cayenne pepper & honey mix on his gums to perk him up. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Hugs and prayers!
Keep his temp up, no lower than what you have now. Make sure what you are feeding him is at least the same temp he is or he will not be able to digest it. If you can, give BoSe and B complex, usually subQ.
Feedings for an ND should be 1-2 oz at that age, you want a firm stomach but not poochy or bloated. You will need to feed him every 2-3 hours around the clock right know.
Okay! We have been keeping temp up. He unfortunately is going limp and not eating. We are takin to the vet soon
Did you give your kids BoSe when they were born? Selenium deficiency (white muscle) will cause general weakness.
He is a little young for it, but floppy kid is a possibility. Google it. It is also possible he has some sort of congenital problem. It is a sad fact of life that not all babies born are going to make it and that is true for all species.
Update: We took him to the vet and unfortunately as they were getting stuff to tube feed him, he passed away. They said it was cuz if an infection in utero and he was one that was effected by it (as well as a still born). Thank you all for the replies and help.

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