Help! Lethargic pullet


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2023
I have a 6 month old cuckoo maran that just started laying eggs (less than 5 eggs total so far). Yesterday she was fine (no egg), eating fine, free ranging, etc. She went on the roost to bed last night fine. I opened the coop this morning and found her on the coop floor in a "blob". She acted like she didn't want to stand (almost like legs wouldn't work), labored breathing and lethargic. I took her outside to the run and tried to give her water/food. She didn't want either and just laid down. Not sure if she might be egg bound, but I did bring her inside for a warm epsom salt 20 min soak and she was very still. I did check inside her vent but not really sure what I am supposed to be feeling when looking for an egg bound hen. Gave her some Poultry Cell and some VetRx. Currently I have her inside the house in a cozy box away from all the other chickens/animals. Any help or advice is appreciated.

I just checked on her an hour after her epsom salt soak...vent is very clean but when I pressed/mashed around it, clearish/light yellow discharge came out. Help!

Just went in to check on her. Picked her up and laid her on her back to check her belly. She started what seemed to be a seizure and died very quickly.
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So sorry for your loss. I agree that doing a home necropsy to look at her organs and abdominal contents might be helpful. Take pictures of organs to post here. The state vets also will do a necropsy but you would need to keep the body cold, but not frozen until you could take it to the lab.

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