Help me thin my flock! *lots of pics*


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
I currently have 14 birds in my coop/run space ranging in age from 12wks to 1yr. I really should only have about 10 so I need to cull four of them.

I have five birds from my original flock that are all about a year, a couple are a little under that. They are all good layers expect for one of my australorps that keeps going broody and not laying for a while after the broodiness is gone.

Six of them are about 15wks. Of that group, I have three delawares and three EEs. I got the EEs because my older EE lays cream colored eggs and I really want some green or blue.

The last three are about 12wks and I got them to try and put in with my broody, but it didn't work out. I just moved them to the main run last night and everything seems to be working out fairly well at this point.

So here are my birds, please help me decide! Older birds are first:

This is my RIR George. She is the sweetest of all the oldest bunch and a GREAT layer.

This is one of my two australorps, Katie and Angelina. Her ragged rear end is from being pecked at when I first put the two groups of older birds together when we finished the run. She just hasn't molted yet so the ragged feathers will remain until then.

This is Luna my older EE. She is a really good layer of big cream-colored eggs. She tends to be kind of nasty to the other birds though. She and Hermione (pictured below), pretty much stick together.

Hermione is my BR. She is a really good layer, but like Luna, can be a little bit nasty to the others.

These are my new EEs; Hermes, Buckbeak, and Crookshanks. I am really hoping to get some green or blue eggs from these girls.

Delawares were the one breed I really wanted and ordered specifically this last time I was getting chicks. These girls are Gabrielle, Hedwig, and Pigwidgeon. One of them (I'm not sure which as they are hard to tell apart) seems a bit bossy and tends to peck at the others.

The youngest ones are a light brahma, buff orpington, and black sex-link. I kind of wanted a feather-legged bird but the other two I just chose on a whim. The black sex-link seems very sweet though. This morning I opened the coop and she was a bit intimidated by the other birds on the ground so she flew to my shoulder instead.

I am not certain which ones I should sell and am asking for your opinions. Which ones would you get rid of?
Nobody is posting b/c we're only enablers when it comes to expanding a flock.

As for who to get rid of, I'd have to say to get rid of the poor layers, broodies, & bossies. Perhaps someone in your area would like to have the broody australorp (we've got 2 and boy... what nice birds!) to use as a surrogate?

ETA: Our BSL is a very nice bird... unless you're new to the flock, then she's a blood-drawing meanie.
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Sell some of the mean ones. LOL I agree with Jenn; we are only enablers when it comes to expanding a flock!

Great Harry Potter names! I was just watching Harry Potter last night. LOL
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My only advice would be to get rid of the meaner ones, too. I was reading your descriptions and thinking: Nope, don't get rid of that one. Nope, don't get rid of that one.

I'm no help, either. Sorry.
Hi! That would be easy for me. I'd get rid of the red ones, the buff ones, and the the brown/tans ones.
I'd keep the BR, the A'lorps, the D'wares, and the LB and finish out the flock with more black/white marked girls and blue girls.
Can you tell I don't care for red, buff, brown, tan birds? But that's just me.
Good luck deciding.


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