help please


12 Years
Apr 11, 2007
i have 4 hens and 1 rooster they whipped one of the hens and i put her in the hospital pen .the chickens are abought 6 months or7 i put 19 pullets with them in a pen and the rooster is tring to ride them they are only 12 weeks old:what can i do i can built a new pen but it will take a couple of days please help
I would first consider making soup of the rooster....BUT if thats not an option, you need to seperate him asap. Making a pen will take too long, put his naughty butt in a dog kennel inside the coop so he is still with everyone and warm, but cant hurt anyone. Make sure he has food and water whiel you take a few days to build him his own pen.
Most likely it was the rooster that caused the trouble, but it is also possible that you have a very aggressive hen or two out of the original 4 who didn't appreciate the newcomers. If at all possible, I'd have two pens, and not add the pullets to the main group until they are fully grown. You are still going to have pecking order fighting, but the young ones will be in better form to hold their own against the old ladies.
How's your injured girl doing?
hi i put the injured hen with the pullets .thay get along fine i put her on antibiotics.and will put on rooster booster. went today and bought stuff to build pen 300.00 it cost and i had the 4 by 4s now the hard part building it any body want to help near dallas tx lol.thanks for the advice jman:weee

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