HELP! Polish Rooster with Bleeding Blood feather.


Feb 2, 2023
Kearneysville, WV
Hi I have a 10 mth old polish Lucian, who has a broken blood feather, or maybe 2. I rinsed the area with a diluted chlorhexidine solution to try and see better. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding with pressure I put septic powder at the end of the maybe 1/2 " shaft where the blood was pouring from. It seems to have stopped, but what next? Now I want to dry him. I'd also like to put (non pain) neosporin on things but don't want the bleeding to start up again! Help please!

I'll get him some food and water with some rooster booster for the time being but any help is appreciated! Thank you
Hi I have a 10 mth old polish Lucian, who has a broken blood feather, or maybe 2. I rinsed the area with a diluted chlorhexidine solution to try and see better. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding with pressure I put septic powder at the end of the maybe 1/2 " shaft where the blood was pouring from. It seems to have stopped, but what next? Now I want to dry him. I'd also like to put (non pain) neosporin on things but don't want the bleeding to start up again! Help please!

I'll get him some food and water with some rooster booster for the time being but any help is appreciated! Thank yo
I have him isolated and quiet in a large dog kennel right now inside since he still slightly damp I can move him to the hospital enclosure in the garage when I'm certain all of the bleeding has stopped.
Is he really bleeding that badly? I’ve never had an infection from a broken feather. They will seem to bleed a lot but mine always stop and heal without intervention.
Is he really bleeding that badly? I’ve never had an infection from a broken feather. They will seem to bleed a lot but mine always stop and heal without intervention.
When I picked him up the blood was dripping through my fingers. It seemed like A LOT. Moving the area around the feathers was making it drip actively. So I used the blood stop powder on the end of it. I looked at him again a few minutes ago and it seems clotted now. But now I have a mess back there with the powder on things. Can I wait to rinse that off?, Should I just monitor it..?
Monitor it. Don’t try to rinse anything until maybe tomorrow so it doesn’t start back up again. He should be fine. If you really want you can use vetricin or saline but I don’t think it’s needed.
Hi I have a 10 mth old polish Lucian, who has a broken blood feather, or maybe 2. I rinsed the area with a diluted chlorhexidine solution to try and see better. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding with pressure I put septic powder at the end of the maybe 1/2 " shaft where the blood was pouring from. It seems to have stopped, but what next? Now I want to dry him. I'd also like to put (non pain) neosporin on things but don't want the bleeding to start up again! Help please!

I'll get him some food and water with some rooster booster for the time being but any help is appreciated! Thank you

I have him isolated and quiet in a large dog kennel right now inside since he still slightly damp I can move him to the hospital enclosure in the garage when I'm certain all of the bleeding has stopped.
Where is the broken feather located?

Often pulling the bleeding feather will a pair of pliers will be best if it's bleeding a lot. Do hold the skin firmly when pulling a feather so you don't rip the skin too. A broken feather will not be replaced until molt.

If he's really bloody, then he'll need a cleanup. Dry him very well before putting him back with his flock, especially in cold weather. Use a hair dryer if necessary.
Where is the broken feather located?

Often pulling the bleeding feather will a pair of pliers will be best if it's bleeding a lot. Do hold the skin firmly when pulling a feather so you don't rip the skin too. A broken feather will not be replaced until molt.

If he's really bloody, then he'll need a cleanup. Dry him very well before putting him back with his flock, especially in cold weather. Use a hair dryer if necessary.
@Wyorp Rock It's one of his tail feathers. I think the bleeding has stopped, but tomorrow when I check him over, I'm also going to clean the wound stop off. Would you remove the feather as a matter of treatment, or only if it's bleeding?

I will make sure he's very dry. Thank you for the help!
If it's stopped bleeding, then I'd probably leave it. Pulling a tail feather will be uncomfortable, but if it does start to bleed again, then pull it. Also watch your hens to make sure they aren't plucking/nipping at blood feathers, it happens and they can cannibalize another bird fairly quickly if they get a taste of blood.
If it's stopped bleeding, then I'd probably leave it. Pulling a tail feather will be uncomfortable, but if it does start to bleed again, then pull it. Also watch your hens to make sure they aren't plucking/nipping at blood feathers, it happens and they can cannibalize another bird fairly quickly if they get a taste of blood.
@Wyorp Rock Thank you. This is the second time this has happened. My 2 Bielefelder boys got him like this several weeks ago. And yes the pullets became very obsessed with the fresh meat. I have since added new things/clutter, obstacles to the run to give Lucian some more places to get away from them. Yesterday was perfect, today, not so much, as the drama ensued. Sooo..I'm currently trying to rehome a couple cockerels...sigh

This whole thing has been so discouraging. But I signed up for this, and am in for the ups and downs.

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it and I will take it

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