Hen or rooster?


10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Leander, TX
I've tried twice to add a picture, and can't seem to do it right now. My question is this: Do hens develop bigger combs and wattles like roosters do? I have two beautiful, nice size chickens (the offspring of a male RIR and female that might be an RIR also. I think they were hatched in Jan., or Feb. There is no rooster behavior noted...no attention to the ladies and now crowing. But they have very nice sized wattles and combs. Maybe I just need to wait and see? I was so sure they were hens, until the last couple of days.
Thanks for any ideas or info.
Sounds like you're about to get some eggs!
The combs get redder at point of lay.
I did that. It takes FOREVER once I hit "submit", so I waited and waited and finally it was ready. I was going to do a copy and paste into my post and my post went away! So I went through the whole thing again, then got a note that I had already done this once and it wasn't going to do it again! I've posted pics before, so I don't know what the deal is this time.
I took more than one picture of one of the chickens. so I'll try again with a different picture.
So they might be fixing to lay, huh? That would be so very cool. I want them to be hens so badly! We just got rid of 8 roos yesterday...(they were aggressive with the grandchildren..can't have that!). We kept two, and they are NOT aggressive. If these two in question are hens, we will have a ratio of 2 roos to 24 hens. I suppose that is OK, isn't it?

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