House Shopping & Want Chickens...


9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
Central Minnesota
I currently rent, but am looking to buy a home near Minneapolis (looking for a commute of 30 min or less to the NW Metro). I really want to have some chickens so I want to make sure the areas I'm looking at allow them. There are several suburbs, cities, townships, etc. that I will have to research and I'm hoping some of you might have some advice on how to make this easy.

- Do I look it up in the city code, or ordinances?
- Should I call the city? law enforcement? and what should I ask?

I've read some people on the boards have called several city offices and no one seems to know anything, so how do I know if I'm talking to the right people?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Most cities/towns have their ordinances online. That's where you should find your answer. Good Luck!
First check the state laws regarding agriculture. Then you would want to check county zoning regulations for each county where you are looking for land. If the land you want falls under township, city, or village regulations you have to check there as well.
And hopefully there'll be a MSP person on here that knows the area and can chime in with "If you want chickens do NOT move here" or "I'm in ___ and chickens are totally okay here"...

Or, you could go to Search (blue bar not the white google blank) and type in Minneapolis and then select the Laws and Ordinances area for it to search within... might spot topics where others have posted that they can or cannot... are fighting... if settled... etc.

If you can knock out some of the many small towns in the area for SURE, then you can save time digging through at least some of the code blather.

I love this site!

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