How did I get a green egg?

OK mystery is solved!! Turns out that the green egger layer is my 5 month old Australorp/Amerricauna cross. I didn't even consider this because she is still so small and young. But I literally watched her lay it today. She just looks like a tiny little black australorp.
Pics of the cute lil chicken!?? My Australorps started laying about 18 or 19 weeks, so I believe it!
I went outside today and was baffled (but incredibly elated) to find a green egg. I have three hens that have been laying for several years and they are all creme/brown egg layers (Two Australorps and a Sapphire Splash) so I know it wasn't them.

Then I have two 6 month old pullets who just started laying and one is a purebred lavender orptington and the other is SUPPOSED to be a full blooded australorp but it COULD be a Welsummer/Australorp cross. Could any of these breeds/mixes potentially lay a green egg? Is it possible for a chicken to randomly lay a green egg when it usually lays brown? I am just so giddy over having a green egg but can't figure it out.
You would need a blue egg layer with moran or Australourp blue and dark brown will produce a olive green egg!
I’m certainly not one who really knows, but I read that cross will give that color 🐓🐥🐔🥚🐣
Good day! It’s becoming quite clear that young hens before their egg production gets regular can lay some weird shaped and color eggs.
It’s amazing to me the whole mating hatching is a wonder! i’m amazed daily 🙏🏻🐥🐣🐓
This is probably not it but color intensity, breed, age and stress levels affect the tone and the depth of color.
I went outside today and was baffled (but incredibly elated) to find a green egg. I have three hens that have been laying for several years and they are all creme/brown egg layers (Two Australorps and a Sapphire Splash) so I know it wasn't them.

Then I have two 6 month old pullets who just started laying and one is a purebred lavender orptington and the other is SUPPOSED to be a full blooded australorp but it COULD be a Welsummer/Australorp cross. Could any of these breeds/mixes potentially lay a green egg? Is it possible for a chicken to randomly lay a green egg when it usually lays brown? I am just so giddy over having a green egg but can't figure it out.
My Lavender Orpington lays a mediums size pinkish brown egg.
I didn't think so, which is why im baffled. The Welsummer/australorp mix I bred myself. The Lavender is from a friend but so very obviously purebred.
My Lavender Orpington and her egg,


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