How to get hens to start laying again after being attacked?

I once had a streak of close to 40 possums in about 3 months time
More possum

I've noticed that many people 'round here put out table scraps to watch wildlife under a light or lure wildlife to game cams. Since we have to haul our trash and garbage to a transfer station and pay $2, disposing of table scraps in this way lightens their load and reduces trips to the transfer station. This probably accounts for why the varmint I am trapping are fat. This practice I guess makes them easier for me to trap. I have switched bait to table scraps.
Yesterday I collected 2 (two) eggs from my 3 hens. A first since they were attacked in spring. I think all three are laying again.

And more possum

One egg Friday, no egg Saturday, two eggs today Sunday morning, the day is early yet, I heard them clucking about a hour or so after sunrise. With the lows in the teens last week and skies overcast I think they are doing well. They are on natures time clock, I am not supplementing light.

The Black has retaken her position as No. 1 and is strutting her stuff, with comb and tail high. The other two also seem more at ease with the Black in the lead.

I am going to let this thread close for now. Thank you to all in this forum for your help.

I will be keeping my traps out full time for the future.


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