How to keep chickens happy this winter?

Dec 1, 2023
Coweta County, Georgia
Hello BYC!

I would love to hear some of your advice on how to keep my chickens and ducks happy this winter. My coop is in west-central Georgia, and the cold weather is setting in quicker than usual. Is it possible to keep the hens laying during the shorter days as well?
I have four Barred rocks that I am getting 3 or more eggs every day from. They are roughly 27 weeks old. I have been using supplemental light for the coop. I typically turn it on at 7am, and leave it on until 8:30pm to 9pm. I also have been loading them up with meal worms and other proteins to stay warm as they can. I also added a few extra roosts, and some other random things to climb on like ladders to keep them from boredom.
I have four Barred rocks that I am getting 3 or more eggs every day from. They are roughly 27 weeks old. I have been using supplemental light for the coop. I typically turn it on at 7am, and leave it on until 8:30pm to 9pm. I also have been loading them up with meal worms and other proteins to stay warm as they can. I also added a few extra roosts, and some other random things to climb on like ladders to keep them from boredom.

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