How to make youngish hens play nice with other?

Monster 550

7 Years
Jul 28, 2012
So the day I bring home my new chicks I also bring home 2 rabbits and the chicks for the most part are mean to them. I had a built in broody I built in my coop so I turned it into a rabbit hutch, but when if I let the rabbits out for excercise the chicks peck at them. The chicks are black roundheads roughly 12 weeks old and we've had them for 3 weeks. The rabbits are dwarf rabbits and don't seem to mind the pecking, but I'm afraid to leave them alone with the birds where I can't shoo them off. The middle chick as far as size is the worse, she'll actually watch the bunnies every move and wait for a strike while the other 2 will ignore the bunnies until they get too close. Is this something the chicks will out grow? Is it because of the small size of the dwarf rabbits? Is it because the chicks didn't grow up with rabbits as younger chicks? Is it the breed being a game fowl? Any other ideas? One thing worth mentioning is that when we got them, one of the chicks was caged with a full size rabbit, but I don't know which one. My last question pertains to the thread title... ...How can I get the chicks to except the rabbits excercising in the coop? It's an 8'x8' square on dirt with the laying boxes, hutch and everything else off the ground.

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