How to move a broody to a completely new area


9 Years
Mar 4, 2015
saraland alabama
I have a farm 2 hours away from where I live I found one of my hens up here with 14 eggs under her. She's tried to hatch before but it didn't go well. Neighbors messed her up then with tons of rain ants took over her nest. I want to take her back home with me which will be in a large dog crate padded with shavings. Should I put the eggs with her during the haul or keep them separate should I attempt this at all or just let her stay here. I also believe the other hens are dumping eggs on her while she sets I swear there was only 11 eggs Friday when we got here.
I have a farm 2 hours away from where I live I found one of my hens up here with 14 eggs under her. She's tried to hatch before but it didn't go well. Neighbors messed her up then with tons of rain ants took over her nest. I want to take her back home with me which will be in a large dog crate padded with shavings. Should I put the eggs with her during the haul or keep them separate should I attempt this at all or just let her stay here. I also believe the other hens are dumping eggs on her while she sets I swear there was only 11 eggs Friday when we got here.
Your chickens are kept 2 hours from where you live?

The best time to move a broody is before you give her fresh fertile eggs.
I didn't want to move her but I had to. I gave her 3 eggs to sit on for the trip home shes content for now I wrapped the rest in a towel. I'll candle them and see if there's any clears. 2 eggs broke they had small growth in them.
She's doing great never moved off her 3 eggs I gave her for the trip home. I gave her the rest of her eggs back when we got home and wrapped the crate in a towel to make it a little darker in there. She pulled her eggs in under her and settled back down. I'll move her to her final spot tonight so it won't be as stressful. It's been a long day for her. She's a black jersey giant hen she went broody about a month back but the neighbors that come over up there to check on them kept moving her and finally one took the eggs she had sat on for over 2 weeks. Even with a do not disturb sign. The other hens were dumping eggs in her box it was a mess. I got all those eggs checked and gave her 2 that were about to hatch. They hatched but black ants got them while they were wet because it was really dry up there. I got everyone else straight about leaving them alone if they are setting. We went up Friday I noticed she was setting again thats why I decided to bring her home this time. The ones up there stay in a 10x24 pen with 200 lbs of food and 50 gallons of water so they're pretty self sufficient if I can't go up for a couple weeks. But I do have family and the neighbors that check in on them get the eggs and keep a watch on the place. I also take my extra roosters from here and they live free roaming around the place up there with the ducks. There's usually somebody there everyday or other day feeding them or just hanging out with em. I tried to put my ducks at my 3 acre pond but they preferred the kiddie pool under the carport instead.

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