How / where to dispose of chicken waste with food in it?


Feb 10, 2022
Hi all, Happy Holidays!
Any tips for how or where to dispose of chicken waste that contains food scraps (bit of corn-based chicken feed that fall through the wire floors)? Usually this comes from the brooder cages, or quail cage. I was putting it in a compost pile about 400 feet from the barn, but the adult chickens then go eat from that pile during the day. This doesn't seem that hygienic since there is an ongoing problem with coccidia. I also tried using this waste as fertilizer for my young apple trees, but mice and wild birds also pick through it and damage the young tree. It's too heavy for the waste collection service to lift if it were placed in the garbage can. We can burn trash here (although it's a less safer option). Any ideas? Thanks!
That's a smart strategy. Just not sure how to do that long term with the quantity of waste they produce.
I put mine in a compost tumbler with all the other compost-ables…like kitchen scraps. This keeps the varmints out too.
When the compost is ‘cooked’ enuf in the tumbler, it gets transferred to that cylindrical container beside it. One of those cylinders would probably be enuf to keep your chickens out. IMG_3346.jpeg
Are there any hacks for a large scale compost drum? I have ~200 birds and they produce maybe 1 cubic yard of waste per month.

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