I believe my chicken has Botulism, Advice?


Dec 14, 2022
My hen is almost 2 years old and is 1.6 pounds, she is my smallest and oldest chicken. she was my first chicken and I ended up getting her from a bad breeder out of ignorance so she tends to fall ill a lot. recently she was incredibly lethargic, her wings were droopy, and had difficulty walking so I brought her inside and gave her multiple epsom salt baths believing she was egg bound but in the past two days she's become incredibly off balance and refuses to stand without help, the few times she does stand and when she would stand she would fall forwards and panic. I looked into it and believe she has botulism, I've been flushing her system with an epsom salt mixture since last night which has seemed to help but she's incredibly inconsistent, one hours she's alert and moving and the next she's sitting with her head down and eyes closed. The only solutions I found was to flush her system and hope. I was hoping to see if anybody had any other advice, if not that's ok, thank you for reading.
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Sorry about your chicken. I would stop the flushes, and give her some electrolytes and vitamins. You can use SaveAChick or Poultry NutriDrenc, brand doesn’t matter. For long term I would get some human vitamin B complex and give 1/4 tablet daily crushed into a spoonful of water or her food. Make sure that she drinks enough to get rehydrated. It sounds to me more like possible Mareks disease or a possible mold or vitamin deficiency. Could she have gotten moldy feed or leftover feed somewhere on the ground? Stop the baths as well. Bathing a weak or sick chicken is very stressful, can chill them, and push them over the edge. If egg binding is suspected, a human calcium tablet with D3 can help with that. Make sure that she can always reach her food and water while she is unable to get around. A chicken sling can be helpful in eating, keeping clean, and upright while lame. Here is a link with pictures especially posts 5, 11, 12:
Sounds more like vitamin deficiency.
What does she eat including treats? Her early development might have been stunted.
She's currently eating a mixture of Home fresh extra egg layer crumbles and cracked corn, and has Save-A-Chick Electrolyte powder mixed in with her water during the epsom salt flush, and she occasionally has a few Mealworms from the culinary coop
The cracked corn is not necessary, and ahould only be used as a rare treat. It can dilute the vitamins and other nutrients out of her chicken feed, by eating that instead if her feed.

Botulism shows up with complete paralysis of the feet, then legs, then, wings, neck, and lastly breathing muscles and eyelids. Death occurs usually within 24 hours. Other things like vitamin deficiency, Mareks, and mold in food can mimic those symptoms. Hopefully, she will start to improve with your care. But I would stop the flush so she doesn’t get dehydrated. Flushes cause diarrhea.

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