I have a question I need help with

New duck mommy 2021

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Oct 19, 2021
Medicine Hat , alberta , Canada
Hello my question is do ducks still lay eggs after sitting 23 hours a day ?
I will give a quick background on why I’m asking
I had 2 girls and a drake we lost our one girl over a month ago so miss daisy is our only duck laying eggs. For the first 8 weeks ( sept to November) eggs were fertile but none would ever take in The incubator ( my ducks are young daisy is 7 months and peep is 5 months ) then 3-4 weeks ago she decided to make a nest and after 10 eggs and laying on them all night but not in the day I removed them replaced with chicken eggs so I wouldn’t upset her I tried to incubate them and only the one laid that morning took after that I took the new one each morning for a total of a week 6 are growing and doing well
I was advised best to take all the chicken eggs out as she may try to sit on them
The next day she made a new nest in the same area and started to lay again. This time I decided to just leave them be as I already have a staggered hatch going and she seemed really determined to do this. Each day she laid an egg and spent more time with them
4 days ago she didn’t lay an egg that morning she had 5 in the nest and by that afternoon she was sitting on them fully ( I have a camera set up to watch her ) the next day there was 6 eggs we now have 8 eggs and she has been sitting 23-23.5 hours a day for 3.5 days. I did a quick candling today and 5 have a dot the size of a dime in the middle of the yolk with a little blood vein starting so they have started so why is she still laying eggs ? Two days ago I put up a barrier between her and my drake as he is still trying to mate her and she didn’t want it. He ended up pulling feathers out of her back as she was trying to get away. He is still in the same room as her and can see in her big nesting box
They both seem settled being apart as they can still see each other. I also have been bringing him up for cuddle time as he is a bit lonely but I can’t bring in a new duck when she is nesting and stress her out. I do have a blue Swedish girl ordered for spring and I plan to keep a few of their babies so this should help for issues down the road
Everyone always thinks other ducks are putting new eggs in the broody ducks nest but maybe she is laying her own new eggs ?
Would love to hear what others have had happen
Adding pictures to show set up and daisy nesting


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Yes, I have had ducks and turkeys lay eggs while brooding. I mark the eggs so new ones can be pulled from the nest. I have found this to happen when the bird's cycle is disrupted by egg collecting or by predators raiding the nest. In each case mine did stop laying after they had brooded for a week.
Yes, I have had ducks and turkeys lay eggs while brooding. I mark the eggs so new ones can be pulled from the nest. I have found this to happen when the bird's cycle is disrupted by egg collecting or by predators raiding the nest. In each case mine did stop laying after they had brooded for a week.
Thank you
I was starting to think I was going crazy or my duck was lol
I have been putting a number on them so I would know
So this possibly could be cause I removed her nest of 20 eggs total a week ago and the next day she rebuilt one. We didn’t think she would actually go full broody as she is young and a Pekin duck. I keep getting told they don’t do that also read a lot online that they don’t
Thank you
I was starting to think I was going crazy or my duck was lol
I have been putting a number on them so I would know
So this possibly could be cause I removed her nest of 20 eggs total a week ago and the next day she rebuilt one. We didn’t think she would actually go full broody as she is young
If they are old enough to lay they are old enough to go broody. One of my call ducks is hatching today and tomorrow; she is from this past late spring and can't be more than 6-7 months old.
and a Pekin duck.
Unusual but there's always exceptions. Be aware that such a duck may prove inadequate as a broody and parent. I've a half pekin and half mallard who went broody this fall, but when the eggs started to hatch, she fled. I finished hatching the eggs in my incubator; all hatched. This duck's sister did a great job with her efforts to raise a family.
I keep getting told they don’t do that also read a lot online that they don’t
Again, always exceptions and while this information is basically true, there's a lot of information online that is totally wrong. I do a lot a research and commonly find sites that completely disagree with each other. The best sites are those written from personal experience. Avoid sites written by someone who was told that... (Not in the first person).
If they are old enough to lay they are old enough to go broody. One of my call ducks is hatching today and tomorrow; she is from this past late spring and can't be more than 6-7 months old.

Unusual but there's always exceptions. Be aware that such a duck may prove inadequate as a broody and parent. I've a half pekin and half mallard who went broody this fall, but when the eggs started to hatch, she fled. I finished hatching the eggs in my incubator; all hatched. This duck's sister did a great job with her efforts to raise a family.

Again, always exceptions and while this information is basically true, there's a lot of information online that is totally wrong. I do a lot a research and commonly find sites that completely disagree with each other. The best sites are those written from personal experience. Avoid sites written by someone who was told that... (Not in the first person).
I appreciate the replies
I set up the camera for they very reason cause Pekins can be iffy. She seems very dedicated right now but I realize that can change
By the time her eggs are ready my incubators will be free to use. I plan on keeping them plugged in just in case I have to take the eggs
I wasn’t going to help was just going to let nature take its course but after seeing life start in the eggs I can’t ignore them if she does ditch them
Sometimes we have to intervene. Our domestics have had their genes so messed with they're anything but natural. Like my call ducks-people have decided they should have really short bills-so short that many ducklings are unable to hatch without human assistance.

I've eight call eggs in the incubator hatching now and I'll try my best to help them into the world. Fingers and toes are crossed for luck. Six other eggs are hatching, now, under the duck. She is one wicked little bird and any intervention from me will just make matters worse. Fingers and toes crossed for luck!
Then when the hatch is over I have to decide if I try to have the duck raise winter ducklings or put ALL the ducklings in a brooder and play mom--again. If it were spring, summer, or fall, I could let the duck raise all the ducklings, hers and the 'bators, and all would be well. I hate winter.
Sometimes we have to intervene. Our domestics have had their genes so messed with they're anything but natural. Like my call ducks-people have decided they should have really short bills-so short that many ducklings are unable to hatch without human assistance.

I've eight call eggs in the incubator hatching now and I'll try my best to help them into the world. Fingers and toes are crossed for luck. Six other eggs are hatching, now, under the duck. She is one wicked little bird and any intervention from me will just make matters worse. Fingers and toes crossed for luck!
Then when the hatch is over I have to decide if I try to have the duck raise winter ducklings or put ALL the ducklings in a brooder and play mom--again. If it were spring, summer, or fall, I could let the duck raise all the ducklings, hers and the 'bators, and all would be well. I hate winter.
Sending you tons of prayers for both sets of hatches. Please post pictures of the babies. Call ducks are so Dang adorable
The lady I got my drake from just got call ducks and she may have me talked into one in the spring along with the blue Swedish duck I’m adding. We will see how many I keep from my hatches My hubby wanted ducks with colour that’s how I ended up with peep
Just a little update
No more eggs for the past few days
I only have seconds she will go away from the nest that I can candle. But 7 of the eggs have embryos I couldn’t find egg eight but didn’t dog for it as she was running back
Her area has food , water . Space to walk around and stretch and her water dish is big enough she can wash herself but I do open her gate to go in the kid pool if she wants to get a better bath. She does this once a day but only stays out of her area for maybe 2-3 mins tops if I stand with her but seconds if I leave her she runs right back so I usually stand there and let her take the quick bath but she will stay in her area a total of 15 mins at the most twice a day
She seems to be doing very well on her nest she moves her eggs and changes positions throughout the day. She is eating and drinking a fair amount when she does come out and her poo is huge lol
The camera has helped me so much as it has motion detector so I can see when she comes and goes and how often she moves the eggs around. Maybe she can teach me a few things about incubating lol
The 6 incubating eggs are growing so well
Strong veins , good movement and the two older ones have filled up 3/4 of the eggs with 9 days to go

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