I need an answer

Chicks in VA

Bantams are the best👍😁
Mar 27, 2021
take a guess
I have a male ring neck pheasant with 2 hens if i mix that flock with a flock of 1 male golden pheasant and 1 or 2 hens with their be chaos.
I'd predict there being at least a little chaos. Pheasants (ringneck in particular) can be sort of territorial/protective. If you had a big enclosure you'd maybe be ok, but otherwise I'd say no. Thats also 2 boys with only 3 or 4 girls. Not enough to keep the ladies from being overbred.
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And they will crossbreed so any offspring should not be sold as pure anything as you may not know if they are hybrids. Can be very hard to tell with females and young males. So pretty much mix them if you only got them as pets but aren't hatching any eggs, or if you hatch to then eat the offspring. If you plan on selling or keep breeding any offspring do not keep them mixed.
I have a male ring neck pheasant with 2 hens if i mix that flock with a flock of 1 male golden pheasant and 1 or 2 hens with their be chaos.
Do not mix them! Most likely the ringnecked male will kill the the golden male. More than 1 male in an enclosure with females will result in the death of one or both males.
Males can be kept together in a huge, well landscaped enclosure, if no females are around close, within hearing or sight distance....even then there might be fights arise.
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