I planted grass for my chickens but I think grubs are killing my lawn...I thought


Free Ranging
16 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
I thought the chickens kept grubs in check but the grubs are under the ground.
Also I read Milky spore can be used safely around the chickens. Was wondering if anyone had success with that. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else had grubs with chickens roaming their lawn. The chickens only get 3 hours in the evening though so that may not be enough time and they don't dig up the yard where the larvae are.
Grass grubs are a nuisance but they can be managed. The chickens will eat them if they can get at them. The best way to approach it is on a long-term basis, plant varied species and include non-grass species like clover, lotus, alfalfa, chicory, plantain etc etc. Keep the soil healthy, and with the diverse species in the grazing area its not a grub smorgasbord, plus it supports other species that can push the grubs out.
Also I read Milky spore can be used safely around the chickens. Was wondering if anyone had success with that.
I've had success with milky spore reducing the beetle grub population, didn't have chicken then tho.

Grass grubs are a nuisance but they can be managed. The chickens will eat them if they can get at them. The best way to approach it is on a long-term basis, plant varied species and include non-grass species like clover, lotus, alfalfa, chicory, plantain etc etc. Keep the soil healthy, and with the diverse species in the grazing area its not a grub smorgasbord, plus it supports other species that can push the grubs out.
Grubs are beetle larvae, doesn't have much to do with what's growing there.
I've had success with milky spore reducing the beetle grub population, didn't have chicken then tho.

Grubs are beetle larvae, doesn't have much to do with what's growing there.
Yeah that was my next step to buy the Milky Spore. I'm desperate so I guess I will try it...I planted clover for the chickens inside their fence..waited 3 months to remove the barrier and they devoured it so then I had an idea to plant grass mixed with poultry seed mix outside their fence...and it grew in great....but it's outside of their electric fence so they are not on it except the few hours each night and that way they do get grass. But then my grass started dying just in a couple weeks time...I'm assuming it's the grubs.
I think this might be a major year for beetles/grubs. I've found tons of grubs in my aging horse manure piles and many of my neighbors are finding a bunch in their garden beds. It may be that your yard is getting overwhelmed with them this year but it's possible it won't be a continuous problem. Just my theory, as I've never had so many to deal with.
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I think this might be a major year for beetles/grubs. I've found tons of grubs in my aging horse manure piles and many of my neighbors are finding a bunch in their garden beds. It may be that your yard is getting overwhelmed with them this year but it's possible it won't be a continuous problem. Just my theory, as I've never had so many to deal with.
I've been watering my lawn and I read they like moist soil. But I normally don't care about my lawn but it's the chicken's nightly treat. LOL
I've had success with milky spore reducing the beetle grub population, didn't have chicken then tho.

Grubs are beetle larvae, doesn't have much to do with what's growing there.
Hey Aart, can you tell me if you used an applicator or how did you apply it to your lawn, for the Milky Spore? I have it on order and coming from Amazon. It may be too hot to even use it as it will be 98 in Kentucky this week.
Hey Aart, can you tell me if you used an applicator or how did you apply it to your lawn, for the Milky Spore? I have it on order and coming from Amazon. It may be too hot to even use it as it will be 98 in Kentucky this week.
Geez, I can't remember. I may just have sprinkled it around.
I do know not to expect instant results, it may take a year for it to establish and kill the grubs at the right age. Probably should research what time of year is the best to apply it.
Oh..good to know...I do need instant results but will not expect that now.
There are dispensers on Amazon but I didn't want to buy one if I can just sprinkle it.
Sure enough it says September/October so I'm hoping I have grass by then.

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