If anyone is experienced wih hatching eggs. Please help


Dec 10, 2017
i am new to hatching chicks. One has hatched and now its been a week since the first one hatched. Me, being stupid put the eggs in at different times so the hatch dates are days apart. One of my eggs looks like its still developing. i thought one pipped this morning because i candled it and it was mostly black and had no air sac anymore but then my broody pushed it under her and she broke it and tried to eat the yolk. the egg smells. Does this mean that its rotten or dead? it kind of smells like poo. Second question. one of he eggs is COMPLETELY black. I used to see an air sack and now i don't... its been like that for like 1-2 days now. today, i have another one like that. what is that about. could it be a detached air sac thats now at the top or something. How does that work and how do i fix that. The newest one happened sometime during the night and yesterday when i candled it, i looked as if the air sac was moving around. One of them still looks fine and another is still developing if all else fails. Does anyone know what to do? If needed i will post pics of all the eggs that are developing. :barnie:fl:jumpy:th this is so stressful!!!
Well, after a chick or chicks hatch, a hen won't continue to incubate the other eggs after a couple days because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
You would be best to try to make an incubator for the remaining eggs before she abandons them.
You can make a quick incubator out of a 5 gallon pickle bucket with a pan of water and a low wattage light bulb (25-40 watts). Just make sure the eggs don't get over 100F.

In the future, never do a staggered hatch under a broody hen. At most just 2 days apart.
Also, there is no need to candle or handle eggs under a broody hen when they are all set at the same time. She does all the work and all you have to do is sit on your hands for 3 weeks and then count chicks.
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