If I get rid of several roosters, will their little harems attach to another rooster?


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
We have posted before about wanting to get rid of several roosters, without culling, and the bachelor coop that was planned is still a while off. We have talked to a few people that are willing to take a couple of roosters to add to their flock.
This question came to mind today, how will it effect the 4-5 hens that these roosters watch over? For the most part they gang rape any of the hens, but each has a few that they save food for, or follow around at feeding time.
A lots going to depend on how they are housed and the length of time they've been together. If you keep all the groups you identify in one coop then the hens may drift from one rooster to another. Housed seperately they may stay as a female group until a rooster they are interested in shows interest.
The keeping circumstances generally determines what happens.
Truthfully, my hens have never seemed to fret or even notice. But I am betting you will notice the flock has a lot less tension.

I had 12 hens and 2 roosters that seemed to be getting along very well. When I gave a rooster away, though, the whole flock became much more relaxed. The hens focused on the rooster I kept, seeming to dote on him happily. The flock as a whole seems much more relaxed.

If you have hens getting gangs of rooster attention, they are going to be thrilled to see them gone.

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