IF Rooster- What is a reason to keep?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 31, 2010
Wesley Chapel, FL
I am a newbie and bought 2 (what are supposed to be) Ameraucana pullets from a local reputable feed store. We also bought a BR and Black Giant at the same time. They are 8 wks. today. We love them all. I am concerned that one Ameraucana (my favorites so far) might be a rooster--little taller, HUGE feet, and comb is developing/redder quicker than the other. The other Ameraucana has more of a "muff". No crowing. I will try to post pics later. How early can I tell with this breed chicken or rooster.

My next question isssssss...What would be good reason to keep him if we originally wanted eggers. We live in a neighborhood that may or may not (acre plots) be acceptable. We also have small children. He is 8 wks. now and one of the nicest of all 4. Does this change with puberty
There are a lot of 'nice' roosters out there. I have only had two, both of which became aggressive around 6 months of age. They were so pretty, and I wished I could keep the beauty, but I had small children at the time, and did not want to take the risk of them getting attacked. I freerange my chickens a lot.
So in all my years of having chickens, I have not ever kept a rooster. If you are not interested in having fertile eggs, you do not need a rooster.My hen flocks have always done very well without one. Sometimes roosters tend to tear up a favorite hen, too, by a lot of breeding.
So, imo, roosters are not necessary.
There are plenty in my neighborhood, so I still get to hear the crowing!

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