Integrating young chicks.

Jun 9, 2021
I recently purchased 2 Salmon favorelles chicks (now about a month old) and i am wondering what the integration process will look like for my setup. I will post some pictures of my coop and run. we have 4 hens at the moment that our outside. some questions y'all might have>
Age: 4 weeks old
Breed: Salmon favorelles
temperature: 80-95 degrees during the day.
85-64 during night.
Set up? see pictures below.

Here is my coop. it is not in its place yet and does not have adequate ventilation. that is something we are fixing.
24 square feet (not including nests) these pictures are also old. I have put in better roosts since then.
67988183592__52D79CEE-55B3-44B5-A49E-4E153A37DE40 (1).jpg

Then for our run, we have a 10x4 structure. I will be adding more space for the new additions.
For the actual integration i can also free range. we have a really bad hawk and owl problem that is why I keep them covered.

^This is our existing run.^ v This is the wire run I will be adding on to the end of there existing run.v

I will probably add hardware cloth to the sides.
here is my idea.
I am thinking I can put the chicks in the wire run that will be attached to the big girls run that way they can get used to each other with the doors still closed. then ill open the doors( I dont know what to do from there.) I would still bring them in at night at this point. let me know your ideas thanks!
I introduce young chickens to the flock with a look but don't touch approach - I have a couple of chicken tractors and I drag one to be adjacent to the main flock's pasture so they can get 1/2" hardware cloth's distance from one another. After a couple of weeks, I open the tractor door and let them co-mingle under supervision for a few hours. A week later, I just leave the door open. A week after that, I close off the tractor's coop quarters. A week after that, the youngsters are evicted for the next batch of grow-outs. They have lots of stuff to escape from the grownups under/over/around, plus six acres of tall grass, plus the littles can usually squeeze under the gate and take a tour of the front yard if they REALLY want to get some space.

I hope you can use some of this.

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