Introducing one week olds


Mar 30, 2020
Hi! We got 6 silkies chicks last week that our a little over a week we lost a couple to different reasons. We then added 6 one week old chicks that are (2) Rhode Island reds, 3 light Brahma and 1 olive egger. My question is can we put them in with the silkies? They are about the same age but the silkie chicks are smaller. Please help.
Hi! We got 6 silkies chicks last week that our a little over a week we lost a couple to different reasons. We then added 6 one week old chicks that are (2) Rhode Island reds, 3 light Brahma and 1 olive egger. My question is can we put them in with the silkies? They are about the same age but the silkie chicks are smaller. Please help.
I have 6, 2 week old silkies in with 2, 2 week old Marans chicks. They have been together for a week now, when we first put them together when they were all 2 days old, the Marans were quite mean to the silkies. We waited a week and tried again and now they get along just fine. The Marans are definitely the bosses though! They are almost twice the size of the silkies. Watch them carefully and see how they act. As far as I know, they can live together as long as they are raised together. Be ready to separate them at any time though, behaviors change as they get older. Good luck!:)

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