Is my drake being too aggressive?


5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
I've got 1 drake and 5 female Ancona ducks between 12-24 months old. The drake has been getting pretty aggressive with my one broody duck. Whenever she leaves the nest box he chases her around the run and rapes her. Up to now, I've considered it the way of the ducks, and the other ducks don't seem to mind. But the other day I noticed the broody one missing the feathers on the back of her neck where he bites her. This concerns me. Is this normal? Should I cull the drake and just have females? I don't really want to, he's 1 of the original breeding pair and generally a cool duck (named Hank). But if he's distressing the flock I have no problem turning him into soup. What do ya'll think?
At least separate him out. While this is in the range of "normal," I don't consider it acceptable.

The way I see it, the ducks depend on me for their safety. That obligates me to keep them from being harmed, from anything, as long as it is within my power to do so.

He needs a time out place.

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