ISO - hatching eggs for Buff Orpington and/or Russian Orloff


Sep 17, 2018
St. Johns, AZ
I want better than hatchery quality. I want American standard Buff Orpingtons, and bearded Russian Orloffs.

If you can provide either shipped to 85936, please let me know!

If you are within a couple hundred miles of 85936, I might drive to pick them up.

Would be willing to get day old chicks, but in a few weeks (towards the end of March). It's still getting way below freezing, and don't want them in the house any longer than I necessary.

I have botH laying. Tho i dont know which eggs are theres; getting 10-12 eggs a day from 16 hens. 2 buffs & 1 orloff. The rest are all different breeds. If interested

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