Javalina Break In


Aug 20, 2023
This morning when I took the dogs for their walk, I notice two javalina by my chicken coop. The ran when they saw me. The run had been pushed away from the coop, one of the access doors was pushed in, and the feeder and drinker were knocked over. The chickens were unharmed and stayed in their roost. I put the run back against the coop and repaired the door. Other that removing the feeders every night, how can I discourage them from coming back? They are protected wildlife.
Thank you for the advice. I ordered some electric fencing. In the meantime, I've started removing the feeders at night. And I put a motion sensitive light on the coop. They came back the next night and did the same damage to the run. They knocked over the drinkers and the stands that I had the feeders on, but they didn't find anything to eat. They haven't been back.

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