Just J party. GAME OVER

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I used to watch those hoarding shows on TV and it was just depressing. People and/or animals living with 💩 and piss and trash everywhere 😭🤮 if I ever get to that point, somebody shoot me! 😂 I can still easily take care of all of mine but I would never get even just one more cat for example because I know myself and know I hate cleaning litter boxes. Plus my allergies would be going crazy. I’m technically allergic to cats.
"That the hoarding of animals," in the first proclamation.
Also, there needn't be an "of" in the second proclamation -- :duc
So you'd rather be a scribe then a plague doctor?
Plague doctor is hot...
I don't know the exact number of quail that I have either. I don't keep a close count on the ones that I plan to sell or eat. I know exactly how many "keepers" I have, though.
Agreed. My breeding pairs I keep tight records on. I know exactly which pen produced them, when they were hatched, and which birds I pair them with.
Such an unorthodox plague doctor outfit! Not at all proper.
Can I be the goose girl?
Lol, did you expect anything in my head to be proper?
What is "the goose girl"? Like the girl that tends to geese? The girl that goes around grabbing @$$e$?
PSA Dunkin’ Donuts and krispie cream have free hot or iced coffee and a donut with krispie cream today you’re all welcome
I have a Dunkin legit 2 minutes down the street but I don’t drink coffee and trying not to eat bad so this saddens me 😂🤣😭
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