Just Venting...


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
I am on Day 22 of some eggs I have been incubating. I started with only 8 and Im down to 4. Two were so very small I cant imagine anything could have ever made it in there- at least anything standard size.

Anyway--Out of the four that have made it this far, I am seeing so sign of hatching!!! The temp has been consistent. I have 4 therms in there, 2 read the same (the ones at eggs level) and the digital with the humidity reading reads lower, but it is sitting on the floor of the bator. The humidity has been around 80% give or take....so what is going on???? I am so very frusterated. I woke up this morning and came down to check and still nothing. AHHHHHH!!! Any ideas. I would think since all 4 are not hatching yet it was environmental.

There is still hope, right? Im feeling like I should give up!

PS, Did the turning things 3x daily, etc. I cant hear any peeping, but they are set up in a large pantry style room in the center of my house to protect them from draft so I dont know if I would hear them anyway...I see slight movement from the one egg I can clearly see....but I am not in there that often......still, AHHHHH!!!!
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