Keeping bunny outdoors during the day and bringing her indoors during the evening?


Mar 11, 2023
Is it okay to have my bunny stay outdoors in a hutch during the day and indoors inside a playpen during the evenings?

I'd say it's perfectly fine! Rabbits can live indoors or outdoors, so whatever you would like to do that works is fine I'd say. My rabbits lived outdoors but I'd let them come inside from time to time and they would love it.

I'm not sure if you know anything about requirements for space and care regarding outdoor living and indoor living? Rabbits need room and so the hutch would have to have an extra play pen or run attached or be really big itself. I kept mine in a hutch and would let them out with three dog pens linked together with wire over the top. It was strong enough for day-time predators but they always went back into their secure hutch at night. That, or I'd sit outside and watch them run around.

I don't know how long in the evening you expect to keep them inside, but if it's for more than an hour or two you will want to litter train them, because rabbits won't be able to hold it longer then about an hour or so. At least in my experience, that is--I kept them inside for about an hour max and never had an accident except a poo here and there.
The hutch is quite small. Those types of prefab hutches do not last outdoors and are rarely predator prof anyways.
Having a rabbit live half indoors and half outdoors will make litter training difficult as well. With keeping rabbits outdoors, there's many risks, including weather (high temperatures can cause heal stroke and death), and predators (which could easily send a rabbit into shock just by trying to get to it). And of course by being primarily outside, it's more difficult to form a bond.

I'm sure the rabbit would enjoy some outdoor playtime when the weather is nice, but I'd use a covered pen of some sort instead.

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