lawn/grass cleaning question...


Apr 17, 2024
Northcentral Wisconsin
I have 9 ducks and 2 geese fenced in an area about...well, I used 200 feet of fence and its in an oval. LOL! To control the poop mess I have been hosing down the piles daily on the grass with the thought of saving the grass somewhat. The poop literally soaks into the grass and its gone. (as I am sure most of you know) If I continue to spot spray the piles will I stay ahead of the game or am I just being anal about it or should I just let it happen because the lawn will be destroyed no matter what I do? They are housed at night in a hut, which I also hose down daily to keep clean. I do live in Wisconsin= many months of snow and slop to deal with and that is a bridge I can cross when I get there. Thoughts? Comments? Sarcasm is also very welcome.

itll def help prolong the poop mess but it is inevitable. speciallt when winter hits. all the poo will create a layer you cant just wash off and cant wash it off when its freezing... the best and only true method to keep your lawn is moving them around.
itll def help prolong the poop mess but it is inevitable. speciallt when winter hits. all the poo will create a layer you cant just wash off and cant wash it off when its freezing... the best and only true method to keep your lawn is moving them around.
They have approx 5 acres to roam and literally go to the SAME few spots when I open the gate to freedom. Now, if I were a duck, I would be exploring the yard, knowing my boundries but yet testing them from time to time to keep my loving, friendly owner on her toes. A call from the neighbors complaining I was in their yard "again" know, just to keep things interesting. Nope, they stay close to the house.

Thank you for responding, with being in GB I am sure you can relate to the winters. And this spring has been WET!!!!

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