Lethargic chick, not an emergency yet


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
The patient is a 12 week old Speckled Sussex. She has been standing around the run for a couple of weeks at least, sleeping a lot and not wanting to move. When I approached she would wake up and run, but once in the coop at night I couldn't tell her from her sisters. At this point she is enough smaller than her sisters that I can pick her out visually, except that they still sleep in a pile on the floor.

She seemed to drink fine, but wouldn't compete for food. Instead she would stand back, and eventually wander off as if she lost interest.

Yesterday I was able to get close enough and brought her inside.

I have treated her for coccidiosis twice when no one else was showing symptoms, but now I think it could be something else. The last time she perked up but was right back to being hunched and lethargic once I put her back outside.

She has been eating constantly since she came inside but I have not seen her drink. Poop looks dry and narrow. No sign of blood or diarrhea. No new birds since she and her siblings arrived in the mail.

They free range all day but have commercial food available. I just weighed her and she is currently at 1.4 lbs, which puts her weight at apx week 8, according to the chart I have.
She spent the day inside, alternately eating, sleeping, and staring longingly out the window at her siblings.

Since it does not appear to be coccidiosis, I treated her with ivermectin. She wasn't moving much so I left her out when I left for a while, only to return and find her with her beak plastered to the sliding glass door halfway across the house. I guess something is improving.
I think I may have figured out the problem. She and her Speckled Sussex sister. The temperatures get high, they stop eating and just hunch miserably in the shade. I bring them into an air conditioned house, they start eating and drinking. No treatment works once they get put outside again.

No panting or other signs of heat, so I'll need to keep an eye on it and see if the pattern continues. A day in the high 80's, the next day they're all hunched up and lethargic, and not eating.

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