Lets laugh together

A few weeks ago, I was out with the ducks giving them some free-range time. I turned my back for a second, and Daphne disappeared! Worried, I called for her, and I heard quiet, yet echoing, quacks in reply. Daphne is anything but quiet, so this was a concern.

I looked all over and could not find her. Finally, I was able to locate the source of the quacks. She had found herself a gloriously muddy drainage tunnel!

I can’t seem to make the video work, but here’s a picture!
I don't have a pic naturally but I walked out to the run and the neighbors chickens and rooster were huddled up against the duck run cuddling with my ducks through the fencing. Hate when I forget to take my phone with me outside.

Awe haha thats great!

Now if you were trying to make them live together itd be a 24/7 fight haha

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