Lone survivor of attack


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Traverse City, MI
This past weekend, we lost 7 of our 8 sweet birds to some animal with large paw prints, that looked canine when I compared them to those on the Internet. It was during the day when it happened. My fiance' was home cleaning, and didn't hear anything until he went to the coop to put the girls away, and there were no girls--with the exception of one hiding in the laying boxes!! There are feathers left in different spots all over the yard. We have had the girls for the past two years now. I am looking to find a buddy for my lone bird so she will not be alone. Any thoughts on that? We are going to get chicks, and we are going to look into a different system of security. We have a pen for them that has an enclosed top. We would let them out for the day, and lock them in for the night. I believe we were lucky that this hadn't happened already in the past. I believe they got out that day on their own, and that was the end of that. Also, we had a rooster from the neighbor--but as he was too aggressive, so we gave him away. Now I am regretting it...
So any thoughts regarding my poor little bird who is lonely?
Sorry for your losses
I hope you find a new friend for your lone hen .
Wow, I hate it when that happens. It DID happen to me, left me with one bird, also. I was too busy at the time to replace the ones killed, so I just let her be the 'pet' bird. She ranged everywhere, even got caught by a dog 3 more times and survived, and lived to 9 years old, laying most of that time. Chickens are very social creatures. If they don't have other chickens, they will 'adopt' people, or your dog, or cat, whatever. Mine was very sweet - came running when I drove up at home, wanted to be near me all the time, helped me pull weeds, even came into the house after me if I didn't shut the door fast enough! She might have liked to be a mother, but I never had a rooster, either. Another funny thing - she used to lay green eggs, and after her second dog attack/escape, her eggs were light brown - the rest of her life.

If you're not into keeping chickens for eggs, just pets, she'll be a good one. If you want lots of eggs, get more pullets. She'll be happy !
That's a really neat story! I feel much better after hearing about your little bird having such a happy life after such a tragedy that was similar to ours. I still am trying to make sense of what happened to our girls. It is like a nightmare that will not stop. The hardest part is that so many were killed. We are thinking it may very likely be the neighbor's dog that was unleashed. That is the worst part of it.
It's going to be tough for a while with getting over losing 7 girls at one time! They all had their own little sweet personalities. I miss them so much. In the meantime, I will concentrate on my little sweet girl who has been through so much and wondering what happened to her sisters.

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