Looking for good Info on breeding Serama's to breed standard


May 23, 2022
Hi Friends
I have fallen in love with Serama's and have hatched my first group of eggs that I purchased from a show breeder. My goal is to learn the standards so I can start a breeding program. However I am having some trouble finding any good books or info online to help me out I can find some but I want to get all the info weight, size, colors can anyone recommend a good book or articles? Or is there someone here on BC that is a show breeder that can help? Any help is much appreciated:thumbsup
I'm new to exhibition birds so take my advice with a grain of salt but some stuff I've found really helpful is if you use Facebook looking for breed related groups (or similar breeds) and joining and looking through posts from people who have been in the groups for a while, also just joining general exhibition and standard bred poultry groups because even those with other breeds can have some great insight. Getting your hands on the APA, ABA , or both, SOPs so you can start to learn the standard as well as overall DQ's and faults. But also, look at show results! Expressly Exhibition Poultry magazine which you can access for free, they have pictures of winning birds and while that doesn't mean the birds themselves are quality you can start to get an idea of what different birds in the breed look like. Best of luck with your Serama!

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