Lost my first hen to a predator

I don't care if they go across my property but do if they mess with or kill any of my birds. I do have electric wire around my coops and pens and once a predator touches it, I guarantee they aren't going to test it again. Predators can be eliminated, but once one is, another is surely moving in. I see predators on at least one of my game cameras most nights. We are rural. Our road is a dead end. Predators use is as a highway.
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If you are planning to catch to release somewhere, beware it is often illegal to release and you may pass the problem on to someone else.
If I trap the cat, I'll call animal control first for them to either pickup or advise me on what my options are. Either shelter or pound. If I trap a wild animal, I will transport it to the Wildlife Center and they will handle the release. Thank you for your concern.
Here it's not illegal but according to the law if I was to release, I'm supposed to get the property owners permission but can't release on state or federal property. We had some people release skunks in our area. I eliminated around a dozen skunks in a short period of time after I talked to a fish & wildlife officer. He told me they were not endangered.

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