Making grunting noises when excited?


May 4, 2020
I have 3 2.5 month old cockerels. Whenever I go to feed them, one of them will push his way to the front and make a growly and grunting noise.. almost like he’s trying to talk and say hurry feed me. He gets very excited and hyper and cannot sit still. He’s always the first to poke his little self into anything going on.

my yellow one will make
Noises too that sounds like soft honking but stands in the back just waitinG and my third one is so mellow he just doesn’t care he’s very quiet

should I be worried about this behavior? Right now it’s cute to see him make those
Noises and act so greedy ... he’s such a hot mess it’s funny and cute.. but could it be a sign he’s going to be mean later on?

I ended up with them accidentally thinking tbey were pullets so I guess I’ll keep them
Because I’m so attached to them now
He might be trying to tidbit. When a rooster finds food or a treat, they'll often make little clucking or grunting noises to call the hens over. The sounds basically mean "hey, look -- I have food for you! Come here, come here!"
It isn't a sign of aggression, I don't think. It's just your little fellow calling the pullets over for food or treats.
And, yes, it is very cute. Roosters can be very sweet, especially to their hens, and it's cute to see them behaving like such little gentlemen when they're young.

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