Mama with mites


6 Years
Jul 30, 2017
Hi, not exactly sure which header this should be under… anyway, I have a fluffy Cochin who’s gone broody. I want to let her hatch some eggs because I’ve lost a few birds this year.

I need some advice, because she doesn’t dust like the other girls and noticed she has a considerable amount of mites. I’ve been dusting her with permethrin poultry dust (just started the cycle, and two days later she’s broody.)

I’ll keep dusting her, and hope she stays broody - but I’m a little concerned about the nest she’s on.. if it’s got mites I don’t want the babies to get eaten when they hatch? Any tips to safely clean her nest? Or can you actually dust babies? Ahh darn the mites!
What kind of mites or lice? Some types live on the bird so dusting will kill them out as long as you re-treat to get the ones that hatch out. Roost mites eat off of the bird but live in the nest, bedding, and even cracks in wood during the day. They run away from light. You need to treat the bird, the nest, essentially the entire coop and clean the coop out. Replace bedding in the nests and on the coop floor.

I spoke to a poultry science professor several years back. Yes, you can treat the chicks. He also said that roost mites kill more broody hens than anything else.
What kind of mites or lice? Some types live on the bird so dusting will kill them out as long as you re-treat to get the ones that hatch out. Roost mites eat off of the bird but live in the nest, bedding, and even cracks in wood during the day. They run away from light. You need to treat the bird, the nest, essentially the entire coop and clean the coop out. Replace bedding in the nests and on the coop floor.

I spoke to a poultry science professor several years back. Yes, you can treat the chicks. He also said that roost mites kill more broody hens than anything else.
Thank you so much for your response! I believe they are the northern fowl mite, little black ones living on my hen. I’ll continue to dust her in a few days and hopefully nip it in the bud.

I got her up for a poop and eat, and the eggs didn’t have any bugs on them and I stuck my hand in the nest and it seems to be decent, none came away with my hand.

Thank you so much for your information about the roost mites and dusting the chicks! I feel much more prepared knowing that :)

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