Mareks in my flock - Advice wanted


Jan 1, 2022
Newhall, California
This morning I found out that my VACCINATED flock has Mareks. I had a chick in March that struggled with what I thought was FTT but was confirmed MG. She didn't improve after antibiotics and I ultimately euthanized and sent out for a necropsy. Fast forward, I lost two other chickens to dogs and ordered a couple more last week.
Those 12 wk olds have not been integrated. Over the weekend one of my other original chickens got sick with strange symptoms. I called the avian vet who let me know that my original chick necropsy report was finally back with Mareks. Needless to say, the newly sick chicken indeed has Mareks and was culled. What do I now do with my new pullets that are in my garage? I did go back and forth between the flocks feeding and such. My original flock is showing no symptoms but that could always change.
Yes and Yes, keep both flocks separate. The new chicks will be growing while you get the other coop sanitized. I know that isn't a guarantee, but you can try. May I suggest separate shoes between flocks. build the strength of each flock with vitamins. Wash the water dishes more than you usually do. Add other water containers. One for vitamin water and one fresh. This way they can choose
Yes and Yes, keep both flocks separate. The new chicks will be growing while you get the other coop sanitized. I know that isn't a guarantee, but you can try. May I suggest separate shoes between flocks. build the strength of each flock with vitamins. Wash the water dishes more than you usually do. Add other water containers. One for vitamin water and one fresh. This way they can choose
Those are great ideas. I will begin adding vitamins immediately to one waterer as well as sanitzing the coop & run. Luckily I already have my coop shoes and will get a second pair :)
I really appreciate the guidance. I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed
Those are great ideas. I will begin adding vitamins immediately to one waterer as well as sanitzing the coop & run. Luckily I already have my coop shoes and will get a second pair :)
I really appreciate the guidance. I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed
I’ve done research on Mareks too with the help
Of the board as well, and unfortunately, the virus can survive in soil. If you can relocate the coop and run after sanitizing, that would be best. If possible, I would soak the coop in virkon s for 30 minutes and we pressure wash it off afterward.
I’ve done research on Mareks too with the help
Of the board as well, and unfortunately, the virus can survive in soil. If you can relocate the coop and run after sanitizing, that would be best. If possible, I would soak the coop in virkon s for 30 minutes and we pressure wash it off afterward.
Thank you for the advice :). I've ordered Oxine & activator to see if I can at least cut the viral load and sanitize everything. Unfortunately, I'm not able to relocate my coop/run on my suburban lot and I'm not sure if it would help for long. I have a ton of wild birds in my eucalyptus and oak trees. I'm guessing that is how my flock acquired it.

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